Spokane Valley Baptist Church

Worship. Grow. Serve.

There are a lot of complications competing for our ideas, energy, and attention all the time, so we would like to invite you to something simple: worship, grow, and serve.  Worship God among brothers and sisters in Christ as we are formed by our Heavenly Father by the power of the Holy Spirit on a regular basis.  We grow together by committing our time, talent, and treasure to build one another up as Jesus commands us, even when that pushes us to grow or exercise the gifts of the Spirit toward one another.  And because we worship and grow, we cannot help but long to serve, to give, to be graceful to those around us - both in areas of ministry inside and outside the church.  As we serve, we drawn back to worship the one who created us as a gift to begin with, who is leading us in our journey of faith with the substance of our lives, and who loves us deeply, is rich in mercy, and invites us to be part of His family.  We would like to extend that very invitation to you.  

Service Times

You are invited to share in our discipleship journey together as we worship, grow, and serve: 

Weekly Worship

Sunday 10:30AM

Wednesdays in the Word

Dinner & Growth Series for Adult, Youth and Kids 

Wednesday Dinner @ 5:45PM, Breakout Groups @ 6:15PM

Faith Classes

Sunday School Groups for All Ages

Sunday 9:30AM

Upper Room Prayer

Tuesday 9:30AM

Small Groups

Various Times During the Month - see weekly email updates and calendar


Service Groups

Various Times During the Month - see weekly email updates and calendar

Welcome to Spokane Valley Baptist Church

We're so glad that you are here as our guest.  For a typical Sunday morning, we worship together in the main sanctuary space, where on the first weekend each month with communion, the kids stay together with everyone for the entire service on the third Sundays as well.  The rest of the month, kids go downstairs for children's church after their lesson in the service.  Every week has nursery care available.  

We typically have our service from 10:30AM to 11:30AM, with some weeks occasionally running a few minutes longer.  During the school year, we have Sunday School classes from 9:30AM until 10:15AM for all ages.  Each week we aim to include music that might be considered traditional, contemporary, or something in between, but our goal is to worship across generations as we learn and grow in worship.  

There are communication cards in the back of the seats that are the main way that we initially communicate for both digital communications, and follow up for prayer requests, praise reports, and any information that you would like to share with the pastoral staff or congregation.  We are always excited to hear about your faith journey and look forward to meeting you when you come share time with our church family. 

Click the Online Giving Link above to go to our support page.  


Our YouTube Page with Sermons and Livestream uploaded weekly
website loop
Join Us Weekly on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights to Worship, Grow, and Serve

Click for the Link to our Facebook Page and Livestream


Click for the Link to our YouTube Livesteam Channel

Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday - Friday

9AM to 1PM

Office is closed on holidays and weekends.

Please contact church office to schedule office hours with pastoral staff.